Friday, 14 September 2007

What a week!!!

Wow - this has been quite the week!

First of all - I spoke to the vet this morning and Bijoux is doing quite well. Hurray!

Yesterday they took out her chest tube and she seems much more comfortable now. She is getting out of her bed and using her litterbox, sitting and looking around a bit more. She is still on IV and the feeding tube, but seems to be breathing much better and having less pain.

I will be going to visit her tonight and I will give her gentle hugs from all of you, and let her know how many people are wishing her well!

THANK YOU!!! to everyone that has been asking about her her, and huge thanks to everyone who has made a donation to help cover her vet bill. I really appreciate it!!!

Although I have been quite preoccupied with this little girl, the rest of the program hasn't stopped moving along. I had quite the surprise yesterday when I picked up the sweet little beagle I was supposed to be taking to the vet for her spay. She was - ummmm - how to put this delicately? - very, VERY fat!

As it turned out - she is very, very pregnant. Not that I need another project!

So is there anyone out there who has been thinking of fostering, has whelped a dog before and is feeling like this might be the time to join Project Jessie as a foster home? If so, please let me know as I would be very grateful...

I don't know if it was a planetary thing, or just sheer, bad coincidence, but this was a bad week for many creatures we know.

Buddy, the gorgeous big blind fellow that often helps out in the Animal Alliance main office passed away on Tuesday after losing his battle with nasal cancer. His picture is above - isn't he beautiful! I hope he is happily chasing chipmunks at the Rainbow Bridge - free from any more pain...

One of the budgies from the "great Budgie Caper" of last spring passed on Tuesday as well - rest in peace dear girl...

And on Wednesday our own rescue hedgehog Thistle was found dead in her bed - having passed in her sleep. She was at least 7 - so an older girl in hedgie terms - but it was a real surprise as she had never been ill and was vibrant and energetic to the end. We will miss her very much.

So that's it for the moment!
I hope that all is well with you and your own feathered, furred or finned friends. Have a lovely weekend and I will let you know how things progress in my world!



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