Tuesday, 16 June 2009

Back from Woofstock!

Thanks to everyone who supported the Walk_A-Thon this weekend!
Money is still trickling in and I would estimate that Project Jessie will probably have raised about $3000 by the time we are through.

Thank you!!!
That will provide vetting for quite a few animals! :o)

The Woofstock event is billed as the largest outdoor dog festival in North America - and it was certainly big!
There were hundreds of dogs and their people enjoying the warmth and the atmosphere. It was quite the sight!

The kids came with me to help with walk-a-thon registration, and we brought one of our own dogs along as well. Kaidee is about 2 and is very opinionated about certain types of dogs. She did very well though - big dogs, small dogs, she liked everyone who came up for a sniff. That was until the schnauzer that barked in her face - then we had a loud dog argument. ("Honestly though Mom - that dog started it!")

Other than that - she did great, we had fun and the program brought in some much needed money.

If you find yourself in the Toronto area with nothing to do next year around this time, I do recommend checking out the festival. It was a really nice day with lots of gorgeous furry faces around. What a nice way to spend a Sunday afternoon!

Do you love the handsome face pictured above? That would be Bo - and what a gorgeous guy he is! Bo is currently in foster care and looking for his forever home. He is only about 4 years young and is a real sweetie.
If you are thinking about adding a new friend to your household - please consider this big fella!

ttys, Shelly and crew =^..^=


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